
We were elected Michelin Guide Tokyo 2020 Bib Gulman ...


You can enjoy very healthy real South Indian food in the silent and cozy space with nice music ...


ご利用ありがとうございます。 新生ダルマサーガラ 営業時間など基本情報はこちらでご確認ください。 ...


We accept  Mail Order.  ...

チベット密教美術 多羅庵 OPEN 2023年1月1日

Tibetan Gallery open on Sat.,Sun.and Holiday ...


We have obtained Halal certification ...

3月の特別メニュー ラム ハリーム

Special Menu in March Lamb Haleem  ¥1800 (税込¥1980) ...

2月特別メニュー サーモン ココナッツ カレー

Special Menu in February Salmon Coconut Curry  ¥1800 (税込¥1980) ...


Special Menu for New Year Holidays Nandu Briyani with Raitha ¥2000 (税込¥2200) ...

12月・1月の特別メニュー ワタリガニのスパイス揚げ

Special Menu in December and January Nandu Fry with Onion Chutney  ¥1800 (税込¥1980) ...

2024−2025 冬のパーティーコース

Winter Party Course from Dec.1st to Jan. 31st  ¥4500 (税込¥4950) at Dinner  and Sat, Sun and Holiday's ...

3周年特別メニュー 秋野菜のミールス ¥3500(税込¥3850)

Special Menu for 3 Years Anniversary Autumn Vegetables Meals ¥3500(税込¥3850) ...


SOUTH INDIAN RESTAURANT “Dharmasagara” opened on October 6th 2003 in Higashi-Ginza Tokyo.
As a pioneer of South Indian cuisine, our restaurant has been covered by many media
such as TV and magazines, and has been favored by many Indian and Japanese customers over the years.
We have been listed in the Michelin Guide Tokyo as a Bib Gourmand (a recommended restaurant that offer great food at reasonable prices) for five consecutive years since 2016.
In 2021, we moved to Fukuoka, the owner’s hometown.
We have started to grow vegetables in Yame so that we can serve dishes using our own pesticide-free vegetables.
Little by little, we are moving towards our ideal Indian restaurant.
“Dharmasagara” means “Ocean of Justice” in Sanskrit.
We hope that you will stay in touch with us for a long time.

vegetarian friendly

Vegetarian Friendly

We serve pure Vegetarian dishes.
Vegan.Gluten Free.
MSG Free.China Free.

All non-vegetarian dishes are cooked with halal meat for Muslim guests.


All dishes are cooked with halal meat and
halal seasoning for Muslim guests.

English menu and English speaking staff available.

Foreigner Friendly

English menu and English speaking staff 

[ Reservation ]



Monday,Tuesday,Thursday ~ Sunday
Lunch 11:30 am – 15:00 pm (last order 14:00 )
Dinner 17:00 pm – 22:00 pm (last order 21:00)



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